Location of Serial Number
Serial number is of the format "A1234567890"
Serial Number can also be found under the electronics panel cover
The company's share capital amounts to PLN 132,976,554.60, fully paid up.
The number of shares of all series A-F is 58 579 980. The nominal value is PLN 2.27. All shares are not privileged.
The sole shareholder of the company is Manuli Rubber Industries S.p.A. based in Milan, Italy.
As a result of the entry into force of the Act on August 30, 2019 on the amendment to the Act - the Code of Commercial Companies and some other acts (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1798), by 31/12/2020 at the latest, should be submitted into the company all paper documents of ownership of shares so that they can be converted into form electronic. The binding force of the share certificates issued by the company shall expire by virtue of the law on 1 January 2021.
The submission of share documents in the company takes place against a written receipt issued to the shareholder.
More information on the dematerialisation of shares can be obtained by contacting the company's Secretariat, using the contact form or by phone.
Date and content of the call to submit shares in the company:
Date and content of the next call to submit shares in the company:
The register of shareholders is kept by Dom Maklerski BDM S.A.
Resolution on the selection of the entity authorized to keep the register of shareholders:
Regulations of the shareholder register:
Announcements about general meetings with a detailed agenda and draft resolutions: